I'm so far behind on blogging, so I apologize if it's taking me forever to get to your session on here! Being a photographer, while going to school and managing a household with 3 children is a lot more work than I had anticipated! I had the chance a few weeks ago to meet up with an old friend and coworker, who I totally miss, and make an attempt at a "Trash The Dress" Session! For those of you who don't know, this is a fairly new trend with brides! If you have no use for your wedding dress, and don't feel like storing it forever, why not trash it??? We had such a great time, and I think the pictures turned out beautiful!! Thanks Kelly for letting me test this out on you! I hope you enjoy them!!
We hit up a very industrial area in the 3rd Ward of Milwaukee, then hit up the beach and rocks of Lake Michigan! Kelly was such a trooper! We took some shots in the lake, and as the tide was coming in very far, Kelly was game for laying down in the sand...just as she layed down, the tide pulled in all the way to the top of her head!!!
So much fun! I highly reccomend doing a trash the dress shoot!